Our vision is to provide quality, compassionate Adult Day Care Services for your loved ones in Iredell County.
Adult Day Care
Today, Iredell Adult Day Services provides adult day care in a community-based setting with transportation, meals, and professional supervision. Daily, planned activities help to slow the process of dementia and other illnesses. Activities also nurture participants’ personal independence for social, physical, and emotional well-being.
Adults are eligible to participate in our program if they meet the following criteria:
Walk without assistance (wheelchairs and walkers may qualify)
Mentally alert, able to communicate with others
Be able to feed themselves
Submit medical exam and application
Personal interview with staff and family
Attend the program at least 2 days per week
Application for Enrollment
Once you have printed and completed our Enrollment Application, please contact Debbie Howell at 704.873.0720 to arrange an interview regarding your loved one's needs.